Thank You God for the Joy and Abundance we have known this year and the blessed
opportunities we have had to share with one another in our times of need, times
of questioning, times of joy and times of enlightenment along the way.
We give thanks, Dear Lord, for the Christ Light within, that calling to stay
clear and focused on the path to know you better, to better understand our own
Place here on the Planet each and every day.
Though the path is not always clear and though the way is not always without
challenge, we know, Sweet Spirit, that it is always possible for us to benefit
from each challenge and lesson if we remember always to try to Learn, to Grow
and to Share with one another in every passing moment.
Thank you Dear God for another year, for the Light you've offered to light up
our paths, help us to see: for the Smiles and the Helping Hands which have met
us along my way and lightened my burdens. Thank You too for the Ears which
have listened, the shoulders which have helped bear my sorrows.
We give thanks for this church and for the Elders who lead us, the Children who
follow and depend on us, the Friends and Family who accompany us always as
brilliant gleaming stars and twinkles along our every way.
In that Blessed Big Picture we know that truly "All is well!" and we look
forward again to an opportunity this year to again say warmly, Thank You, Thank
You, God! And so it is, Amen.